

词组 comfort
释义 comfort BrE /ˈkʌmfət/
NAmE /-fərt/
SEE ALLtoo close for ˈcomfortso near that you become afraid or anxious 太近了而令人不自在The exams are getting a bit too close for comfort.考试即将来临,让人很紧张。ˌcold ˈcomforta thing that is intended to make you feel better but which does not 不起作用的安慰;徒增烦恼的安慰When you’ve just had your car stolen, it’s cold comfort to be told it happens to somebody every day.如果对车刚刚被偷走的人说每天都有这样的事情发生,那一点也不能让他得到安慰。




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