butterflies in stomach
butterflies in stomach
Meaning | Synonyms
- to feel very nervous and restless
- to experience the anxiety, generally before when you are going to do something
Butterflies in the stomach also refers to a strange physical movement of something like gas, liquid or food, with a trembling sensation in the stomach and ironically this sensation may be a symptom of social anxiety disorder.
Example Sentences
- He had butterflies in his stomach as he walked out onto the stage for his dance performance.
- My first solo piano recital is tomorrow evening, I already have butterflies in my stomach.
- Standing in the crowd, waiting for my favourite band to take the stage, I have butterflies in my stomach.
- Tomorrow is my first day at a new school, I have butterflies in my stomach. I hope that I am able to find all of my classes.
- He had butterflies in his stomach while waiting for the results of his exam.
- The bride had butterflies in her stomach as she got ready to walk down the aisle.
The first recorded use of the phrase is from 1908:
“… gave him a sad feeling, as if he had a butterfly in his stomach.”
The phrase, as we use it today was first used in 1943 by Bill Gardener describing his first training jump as a paratrooper:
“I landed all right and although I'll always have butterflies in my stomach every time I go up …”
It is believed that the feeling is caused by small spasms in the stomach that is experienced in times of stress or excitement. The phrase is simply a description of the feeling that is experienced.