fit of anger
fit of anger
also, fit of rage and to have a fit
- to display a very bad temper, often by screaming a lot
- to throw a tantrum
- an outburst that is often seen as unreasonable given the circumstances
- an outburst against someone when you feel that you have been wronged
Example Sentences
- When she didn't get her way, she drove off in a fit of anger.
- My sister is very spoilt. When she doesn't get her way, she goes into a fit of anger.
- The little girl had a fit of anger when her mother refused to buy her the doll that she wanted.
- He had a fit of anger over the broken ice cream machine.
- His fit of anger over the accident scared me.
- I am not used to people displaying fits of anger, it is not acceptable in my family.
- My father threw a fit when he saw that my mother had scratched the car.
It probably originated in Middle English. 1540, it meant a painful, exciting experience. A fit is something that overtakes someone without their control. In this context it means that the person is suddenly overtaken by anger and is unable to control themselves.
- fit of rage
- to have a fit