

词组 outbreak
释义 outbreak


ADJECTIVE | VERB + OUTBREAK | OUTBREAK + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElarge, major, serious, severe 大爆发;严重爆发;剧烈爆发fresh (especially BrE) , further (especially BrE) , new 新的爆发;进一步的爆发recent 最近的爆发occasional, periodic, sporadic 偶尔的爆发;周期性的爆发;零星的爆发recurrent, repeated 反复爆发sudden 突然的爆发disease 疾病的爆发cholera, flu, salmonella, etc. 霍乱、流感、沙门氏菌病等的爆发VERB + OUTBREAKcause, lead to 引起/导致爆发the events that led to the outbreak of war导致战争爆发的事件prevent 阻止爆发OUTBREAK + VERBoccur 突然发生PREPOSITIONoutbreak of ⋯的爆发A new outbreak of smallpox occurred in 1928.1928 年爆发了新一轮的天花。PHRASESan outbreak of disease 疾病的爆发outbreaks of rain (BrE) 大雨的突降an outbreak of war, fighting, hostilities, violence, etc. 战争、战斗、敌对行为、暴力冲突等的爆发




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