

词组 tone
释义 tone


1quality of a sound, esp. of the human voice (尤指人的)音质ADJECTIVE | VERB + TONE | TONE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdeep, low 深沉的/低沉的音调hushed, quiet, subdued 压低的声音;轻声Why is everyone speaking in hushed tones?为什么大家都压低声音说话?breathy, gravelly, husky 带有喘息声的/低沉而沙哑的/沙哑的声调clear, ringing 清晰的/银铃般的声音sharp, shrill, stentorian, strident 尖锐的/尖厉的/洪亮的/刺耳的声调dry, even, flat, level, measured, neutral 干巴巴的/平稳的/平板的/平静的/有分寸的/不带感情的语调The question was posed in a flat tone.这个问题是用平淡的语调提出的。normal, reasonable 正常的/适当的语调brisk, businesslike, matter-of-fact 干脆的/公事公办的/不带感情的语气She answered him in a brisk, matter-of-fact tone.她以干脆而不带感情的语气回答了他。commanding, defiant, firm 威严的/反抗的/坚定的语气formal 正式的语气serious, solemn 严肃的/郑重的语气dramatic, urgent 夸张的/急切的语气casual 随意的语气;漫不经心的语调bright, conversational 欢快的语气;谈话式的口吻calm, friendly, gentle, mild, pleasant, soft, soothing, sympathetic, warm 平静的/友好的/温柔的/温和的/宜人的/柔和的/舒缓的/富有同情心的/热情的语气Her tone was mild, almost conversational.她语气温和,几乎就像平常谈话一般。sweet 甜美的音色the sweet tone of the flute长笛甜美的音色dulcet, honeyed, mellifluous (formal, all often ironic) 悦耳的/甜腻的/甜美的语调the dulcet tones of the sergeant警长美妙的声调clipped, cold, cool, curt, hard, harsh, icy 爆豆似的语调;冷漠的语气;冷淡的口气;简慢的语气;生硬的语气;刺耳的腔调;冰冷的口吻In cool, clipped tones, he told her what had happened.他以冷淡、爆豆似的语气告诉她发生的一切。aggressive, biting, bitter, condescending, contemptuous, disapproving, dismissive, ironic, mocking, patronizing, playful, sarcastic, sardonic, scathing, teasing 咄咄逼人的/尖刻的/尖酸恶毒的/居高临下的/鄙夷的/不以为然的/不屑的/讽刺的/嘲弄的/屈尊俯就的/开玩笑的/挖苦的/嘲笑的/严厉的/戏弄的语气His tone was faintly mocking.他的语气里带有一丝嘲弄。threatening 威胁的语气angry, annoyed, exasperated 愤怒的/恼火的/怒不可遏的语气aggrieved, shocked, worried 愤愤不平的/惊愕的/忧虑的口气bantering, conciliatory, conspiratorial, reverential 诙谐的/抚慰的/心照不宣的/毕恭毕敬的语气VERB + TONEadopt, speak in, strike, take, use 采用⋯口吻说话When she heard my accent, she adopted a warmer tone.她听出了我的口音,说话便热情起来。The President struck a defiant tone.总统的语气中有挑战的意味。Don't you take that tone with me.不要用那种语气和我说话。soften 缓和语气change 改变语气hear, notice 听到/注意到语气interpret 理解语气Her tone was hard to interpret.她的语气很难理解。not like 不喜欢⋯的语气Excuse me, I don't like your tone.对不起,我不喜欢你说话的口气。TONE + VERBchange 语气改变His tone changed dramatically when he saw the money.他一看到钱,说话腔调顿时大变。soften 语气缓和convey sth, imply sth, indicate sth, suggest sth 语气表明⋯;语气暗示⋯sound sth 语气听起来⋯Her tone sounded sincere but I knew she was lying.她的语气听起来很真诚,但我知道她在撒谎。betray sb/sth, give away sb/sth 语气暴露⋯Her tone betrayed her impatience.她的语气暴露了她的不耐烦。PREPOSITIONin a/the tone 以⋯的口吻'You ought to have thought of them,' she said in a reproachful tone.“你应当想到他们的。”她用责备的口气说道。in tones of 以⋯的口气'I don't believe it!' cried Henry in tones of utter amazement.“我不相信!”亨利万分惊诧地叫道。PHRASESa tone of voice 腔调I didn't like his tone of voice; I felt he was being condescending.我不喜欢他的腔调;我觉得他盛气凌人。




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