

词组 mortality
释义 mortality


ADJECTIVE | VERB + MORTALITY | MORTALITY + VERB | MORTALITY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhigh, low 高死亡率;低死亡率Poor hygiene led to high mortality among children.卫生条件很差,导致儿童死亡率很高。early, premature 早亡率;夭亡率a condition that often results in premature mortality经常导致患者过早死亡的疾病adult, child, infant, juvenile 成人/儿童/幼儿/青少年死亡率childhood 儿童死亡率hospital 医院死亡率VERB + MORTALITYcause 导致死亡The disease has caused widespread mortality.这种疾病已经造成了大面积死亡。decrease, reduce 降低/减少死亡率measures that should reduce infant mortality应会降低幼儿死亡率的措施increase 增加死亡率MORTALITY + VERBincrease 死亡率上升decrease, fall 死亡率下降MORTALITY + NOUNlevel, rate 死亡率data, statistics 死亡率数据/统计数据study 死亡率研究risk 死亡风险increase, reduction 死亡率的上升/下降PREPOSITIONmortality among ⋯中的死亡率Mortality among immigrant groups was higher than average.移民群体的死亡率高于平均水平。mortality from ⋯造成的死亡人数a lower annual mortality from cancer较低的癌症病人年死亡人数PHRASESa decline in mortality, an increase in mortality 死亡率的下降/上升




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