

词组 shape
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ADVERB | VERB + SHAPE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBdecisively, fundamentally, powerfully, profoundly 决定性地/根本性地/强有力地/深刻地影响Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.记忆会受到后来经历的深刻影响。largely 很大程度上影响partly 部分影响actively, deliberately 积极影响;有意塑造actively shaping the history of their country积极地影响他们国家的历史VERB + SHAPEhelp (to) 有助于形成continue to 继续影响The fictional Capone has continued to shape America's vision of the 1920s.出现在虚构作品中的卡彭仍然影响着美国人对 20 世纪 20 年代的看法。PREPOSITIONin 摆成⋯姿势a crudely carved python shaped in a spiral雕工粗糙的盘绕着的蟒蛇into 使成为⋯形状The dough is shaped into balls and fried.面团揉成球后油炸。PHRASESbe a factor in shaping sth, be a force in shaping sth 是形成⋯的因素/力量Work was an important factor in shaping their children's attitudes.工作在培养他们孩子的态度过程中是一个非常重要的因素。be important in shaping sth, be influential in shaping sth, have influence in shaping sth 对⋯的形成很重要;对⋯的形成有影响力The media had great influence in shaping public opinion.媒体对公众意见的影响力很大。have a hand in shaping sth, have a part in shaping sth, have a role in shaping sth, play a role in shaping sth 对⋯的形成有影响;对⋯形成起作用Economists had a direct hand in shaping government policy.经济学家直接影响政府政策的制定。Money played a major role in shaping his decision.他作这个决定,钱起了重要作用。the role that faith has played in shaping American society信仰在塑造美国社会中所起的作用be responsible for shaping sth 对⋯的形成负有责任He was responsible for shaping my career.我事业的发展有他的功劳。




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