

词组 connection
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1relationship between two things 联系ADJECTIVE | VERB + CONNECTION | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEclear, close, direct, intimate, strong 明显的联系;密切的关系;直接的联系;亲密的关系;牢固的关系There is a close connection between family background and academic achievement.家庭背景与学术成就之间有密切的关系。tenuous 脆弱的关系obvious 明显的关系causal 因果关系emotional, spiritual 情感/精神联系a deep physical and spiritual connection with nature与大自然在物质和精神方面的紧密联系The way you establish a real emotional connection with someone is by sharing your inner worlds.分享内心世界是与他人建立真正情感联系的方式。deep 深厚的感情His deepest connection is with his father, Frank Sr.与他感情最深厚的人是他的父亲老弗兰克。VERB + CONNECTIONhave 有联系His death had no connection with drugs.他的死与毒品无关。discover, establish, find, form, make, see 发现联系;建立联系;找到关联;形成关联;使产生关联;看到联系Researchers have now established a connection between air pollution and asthma.研究人员现在已经确定了空气污染与哮喘之间有联系。She did not make the connection between her diet and her poor health.她没有把她的饮食同她身体状况不佳联系起来。You can form strong connections when you work with people who share a mutual interest.与兴趣爱好相同的人一起工作会建立牢固的关系。draw, trace 描述/探查关系Kierkegaard draws a connection between anxiety and free will.克尔恺郭尔描述出焦虑和自由意志之间的联系。forge 建立联系a government initiative to forge new connections with industry与产业建立新的联系的政府倡议feel 感到联系We need to feel a connection to nature.我们需要感觉到与大自然的联系。explore 探究关系This essay explores the connections between technology and nature.该论文探讨技术与自然之间的关系。maintain 保持联系He maintained his southern connection through summer visits with his relatives.他通过暑期拜访亲戚保持与南方的联系。strengthen 加强联系This helps companies strengthen their connections to their customers.这有助于公司加强与客户的联系。share 共有关联He and John seem to share a connection.他和约翰似乎有同一个关系户。break, sever 中断联系;断绝交往She wanted to sever all her connections with the company.她想断绝和那家公司的所有联系。re-establish 重新建立关系Anna helped Rachel re-establish her connection with her brother.安娜帮助蕾切尔和她弟弟重新取得了联系。deny 否认有联系He denied any connection to the scam.他否认与该骗局有关。PREPOSITIONin connection with 关于⋯I am writing in connection with your recent job application.我写此信与你最近求职一事有关。connection among ⋯之间的关系a set of connections among brain regions大脑各个区域间的一系列关联They helped establish connections among labs from Honolulu to Paris.他们帮助建立了从火奴鲁鲁到巴黎的实验室之间的联系。connection between ⋯之间的关系the connection between crime and alcohol犯罪和酗酒之间的关系connection to, connection with 与⋯的关系What is your connection with the school?你跟这所学校是什么关系?PHRASESin that/this connection (= for reasons connected with sth recently mentioned) 在那方面;关于这一点




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