

词组 congregation
释义 congregation


ADJECTIVE | VERB + CONGREGATION | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElarge 人数多的会众small 人数少的会众local 当地会众members of local congregations当地会众的成员religious 宗教会众Almost every religious congregation has a social role.差不多所有宗教会众都会扮演某种社会角色。Christian, Lutheran, Methodist, Protestant, etc. 基督教、路德教、循道宗、新教徒等会众conservative, Jewish, orthodox, reformed 保守派/犹太教/东正教/革新派会众VERB + CONGREGATIONaddress 向会众讲话The priest stood up to address the congregation.神父站起来向信众讲话。lead 领导会众The minister led the congregation in a hymn.牧师带领会众唱圣歌。serve 为会众主持活动a lay minister serving a small rural congregation一位为小型乡村教堂会众主持活动的平信徒牧师establish, form 建立/形成基督教会He had established a small congregation in New York City.他在纽约市建立了一个小型教会。join 加入会众attend (NAmE) 去基督教会people attending the congregation where she and her family worship去她和她的家人做礼拜的基督教会的人PREPOSITIONin a/the congregation 在会众之中PHRASESa member of a congregation 会众中的一员




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