

词组 ticket
释义 ticket


4 (especially NAmE) list of candidates in an election 候选人名单ADJECTIVE | VERB + TICKET | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEnational, party, presidential 全国/政党/总统候选人名单Democratic, Republican 民主党/共和党候选人名单split, straight (兼投给不同政党候选人的)分裂选票 ;只投给同一政党候选人的选票I generally vote a split ticket.我一般投分裂票。VERB + TICKETrun on 以⋯候选人身份竞选He ran on the Republican ticket.他以共和党候选人身份参选。join, support 加入/支持候选人名单drop sb from, put sb on 将某人从候选人名单上拿掉;将某人列入候选人名单There had been talk of Kennedy dropping LBJ from the ticket in '64.1964 年就有传言说肯尼迪曾把约翰逊从候选人名单上拿下。vote, vote for 投票;投票支持⋯I'm voting the straight Democratic ticket.我只投民主党的票。PREPOSITIONon ticket 在候选人名单上There are three candidates on the national ticket.全国候选人名单上有三位候选人。




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