

词组 third
释义 third


ADJECTIVE | VERB + THIRD | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfirst 前三分之一middle 中间的三分之一final, last 后三分之一the last third of the novel小说的后三分之一部分remaining 剩余的三分之一bottom, lower 底部的/下面的三分之一top, upper 顶部的/上面的三分之一Most of the students' scores were in the upper third of the range.大部分学生的成绩都处于分数分布范围的上三分之一。VERB + THIRDdivide sth into 把⋯分成三份He divided the money into thirds.他把钱分成三份。PREPOSITIONthird of 三分之一的⋯Over a third of sales were made over the Internet.三分之一以上的销售额是在因特网上实现的。PHRASESabout a third, almost a third, at least a third, over a third 大约/接近/至少/超过三分之一Over a third of people questioned said they would consider cosmetic surgery.受访者当中有三分之一以上说他们会考虑做整容手术。between a third and a half, a third to (a) half 三分之一至二分之一之间;三分之一至二分之一The discount is a third to a half of the full price.折扣是全价的三分之一到一半。




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