

词组 means
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1method of doing sth 办法ADJECTIVE | VERB + MEANS | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEappropriate, convenient, effective, efficient, reliable, useful 适当的/方便的/有效的/高效的/可靠的/有用的方法an effective means of mass communication大众传播的有效手段best, preferred 最好的/首选的方法Gold has been the preferred means of exchange for centuries.几个世纪以来黄金一直是首选的交易媒介。necessary, possible, practicable (BrE) 必要的/可能的/可行的手段We will use every possible means to achieve our objective.我们将竭尽所能实现我们的目标。alternate (NAmE) , alternative, other 另一方法;其他方法War is famously 'the continuation of policy by other means'.战争是“通过其他方法实现的政策延续”,这种说法很出名。primary, principal 主要手段Painting had become his primary means of self-expression.绘画已成为他自我表达的主要手段。only, sole 唯一的方式Oil lamps were the sole means of illumination.油灯那时是唯一的照明手段。conventional, traditional 传统方法legal, legitimate 法律手段;合法途径non-violent, peaceful 非暴力手段;和平方式military 军事手段electronic, technical 电子/技术手段Infringement of copyright includes distribution by electronic means.侵犯著作权的方式包含以电子手段进行传播。VERB + MEANShave 有办法We have no means of knowing how they will react.我们无法知道他们会作何反应。use 使用方法offer (sb), provide (sb with) (给某人)提供方法My English teacher provided me with the means to enjoy reading poetry.我的英语老师教会了我如何欣赏诗歌。develop, devise 想出办法Can you devise a means of overcoming the problem?你能想出办法解决这个难题吗?PREPOSITIONby means (of) 借助于⋯The stone was lifted by means of a rope and pulley.石头是用绳子和滑轮吊起的。through means 通过⋯方法They cannot achieve their goal through legal means.他们无法通过合法手段达到目的。means for 用以⋯的方法the means for achieving happiness获得快乐的方法means of ⋯的手段a means of access / communication / transport进入的手段/通讯工具/交通工具a means of getting what you want得到你想要的东西的方法PHRASESthe end justifies the means 为了正当目的可以不择手段In the case of torture, the end can never justify the means.就酷刑而言,目的永远无法证明手段的正当性。a means to an end 达到目的的手段He saw his education merely as a means to an end.他把接受教育仅仅看作是达到目的的手段。by any means necessary, by fair means or foul 以任何必要的手段;不择手段by no means/not by any means (= not at all) 绝不ways and means 各种方法和手段There are ways and means of raising money.筹款的方法多种多样。




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