

词组 measure
释义 measure


1official action to deal with a problem 处理问题的正式行动ADJECTIVE | ... OF MEASURES | VERB + MEASURE | MEASURE + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEappropriate, effective, necessary, practical 适当的/有效的/必要的/实际的措施We urge you to adopt all necessary measures to guarantee people's safety.我们敦促你们采取一切必要措施以保证人民的安全。key 关键步骤extraordinary, special 非常规/特别措施We had to resort to extraordinary measures to find employees.我们不得不采取非常规措施来寻求雇员。simple 简单的步骤desperate, draconian, drastic, extreme, harsh, radical, repressive, strong, tough 极端的措施;严酷的措施;高压措施;强硬的措施emergency, urgent (especially BrE) 应急/紧急措施interim, short-term, stopgap, temporary 临时措施;短期措施;权宜措施additional 附加措施defensive, precautionary, preventative, preventive 防御措施;预防措施disciplinary, punitive 惩戒措施;惩罚手段corrective, remedial 纠正/补救措施protective, safety, security 防护措施;安全措施New security measures were implemented to prevent further violence.实施了新的安保措施以防止更多暴力事件发生。conservation, control 保护/控制措施Development of new water sources needs to be combined with conservation measures.新水源的开发需要与节约措施相结合。austerity, cost-cutting, economy (especially BrE) , efficiency 紧缩/缩减开支的/节约/提高效率的措施economic, policy 经济/政策措施government 政府举措... OF MEASURESpackage (especially BrE) , raft (BrE) , range (especially BrE) , series, set (especially NAmE) 一揽子/一大堆/一整套/一系列/一套措施a package of measures aimed at cutting pollution旨在减少污染的一揽子措施VERB + MEASUREemploy, implement, impose, institute, introduce, take, use 采取措施;实施措施;推行措施Special measures are being taken to protect the local water supplies.现正采取特别措施以保护当地的供水。The authorities are using increasingly repressive measures.当局在实施越来越严厉的遏制措施。adopt, approve, enact, pass 采取/批准/制定/通过措施The Committee unanimously approved the measure.委员会一致批准了这项措施。defeat, oppose, veto 击败/反对/否决措施The mayor threatened to veto a measure passed by the city council.市长扬言要否决市议会通过的一项举措。propose, suggest 提出措施MEASURE + VERBbe aimed at sth, be designed to, be intended to 措施旨在⋯;措施意在⋯PREPOSITIONmeasure against 反对⋯的措施tougher measures against racism反对种族主义的更为强硬的措施measure for 用以⋯的措施measures for reducing delays减少延误的措施




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