

词组 noun
释义 noun


ADJECTIVE | VERB + NOUN | NOUN + VERB | NOUN + NOUN ADJECTIVEplural, singular 复数/单数名词'Sheep' is both a singular and a plural noun.sheep (绵羊)一词单复数同形。countable 可数名词mass, uncountable 物质/不可数名词feminine, masculine, neuter 阴性/阳性/中性名词Most feminine nouns in Polish end in the letter 'a'.波兰语中的大多数阴性名词以字母 a 结尾。common, proper 普通/专有名词Proper nouns begin with a capital letter.专有名词以大写字母开头。abstract, concrete 抽象/具体名词'Happiness' is an abstract noun.happiness (幸福)是抽象名词。'Car' is a concrete noun.car (汽车)是具体名词。collective 集合名词'Flock' is a collective noun.flock (羊群)是集合名词。VERB + NOUNdecline, inflect 列出名词的形态变化;使名词屈折变化English nouns are not usually inflected.英语名词通常没有屈折变化。modify, qualify 修饰/限定名词a prepositional phrase qualifying a noun修饰名词的介词短语follow 接在名词后面The noun is followed by an intransitive verb.这个名词后接不及物动词。precede 位于名词前an adjective preceding the noun置于名词前的形容词NOUN + VERBend in sth 名词以⋯结尾Most English plural nouns end in an 's'.英语中大多数复数名词以 s 结尾。follow sth 名词接在⋯后面precede sth 名词在⋯前NOUN + NOUNclass, phrase 名词类;名词短语




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