

词组 slump
释义 slump


ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEglobal, world, worldwide 全球范围的锐减;世界范围的萧条economic, price, property, stock-market 经济下挫;价格猛跌;地产价格骤降;股市暴跌The share-price slump has wiped about $10 billion off the company's value.股票价格暴跌使该公司市值一下子损失了 100 亿美元。current, recent 目前的/近期的萧条prolonged 长期衰退The economy is in a prolonged slump.经济陷入长期衰退。deep, disastrous, severe 骤降;锐减a severe slump in much-needed foreign investment急需的国外投资的锐减PREPOSITIONin a slump 处于萧条期The economy is in a slump.经济处于萧条期。into slump 陷入衰退The industry is sinking into a slump.该产业正陷入衰退。slump in ⋯的萧条Investors were badly hit by the slump in property prices.房地产价格暴跌使投资者遭受了沉重打击。




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