

词组 seed
释义 seed


1from which a plant grows 种子ADJECTIVE | ... OF SEEDS | VERB + SEED | SEED + VERB | SEED + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgrass, mustard, poppy, sesame, etc. 草籽、芥菜籽、罂粟籽、芝麻等bird (usually birdseed) 鸟食bad (NAmE, figurative) 坏种the transformation of Tracy from good girl to bad seed特蕾西从好女孩到问题女孩的转变... OF SEEDSpacket 一包种子VERB + SEEDplant, sow 种下种子;播种produce, set 结籽This tree produces very hard seeds.这种树结一种硬粒种子。The plant will set seed in June.这种植物在 6 月结籽。grow sth from, raise sth from 用种子培育⋯She grew all the plants from seed.所有这些植物都是她用种子培育出来的。disperse, spread 撒播/传播种子Most seeds are spread by the wind.大多数种子是由风传播的。go to, run to (花谢)结籽Cutting weeds before they go to seed will greatly reduce future weed problems.在杂草结籽前将其剪除会极大地减少将来的杂草问题。contain 包着种子Each fruit usually contains a single seed.通常每个水果只有一粒种子。He argued that capitalism contained the seeds of its own destruction. (figurative) 他指出资本主义自身蕴藏着自我毁灭的种子。remove 去掉籽Peel the peppers and remove the seeds.给甜椒剥皮去籽。SEED + VERBgerminate, grow, sprout 种子发芽;种子生长SEED + NOUNhead, pod 种穗;心皮packet, tray 种子包;育苗盘bank, catalogue, merchant (especially BrE) 种子库;种子目录;种子经销商corn, potato 粮种;种用马铃薯money 本钱;起步资金PHRASESa variety of seeds 各个品种的种子The catalogue has hundreds of different varieties of seeds.目录中列出了数百个品种的种子。




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