

词组 door
释义 door


ADJECTIVE | VERB + DOOR | DOOR + VERB | DOOR + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEopen 敞开的门closed, shut 关闭的门locked, unlocked 上锁的门;未锁的门half-open 半开着的门The door was half-open when we got there.我们到那儿时,门半开着。back, front, rear, side 后门;前门;侧门the back door of a house房子的后门the rear door of a car汽车后门entrance, main 入口门;主门inner, internal 里面的门The inner door leads to the safe and is always locked after 5 p.m.里间那扇门通向保险箱,下午 5 点后总是锁着的。external, outer 外面的门All external doors should be bolted top and bottom.所有外面的门都应该把上下的插销全部插上。big, great, heavy, huge, massive, solid, thick 大门;厚重的门;结实的门She had trouble pushing the heavy door open.她推开那扇厚重的门有困难。narrow, wide 窄门;宽门iron, oak, steel, wooden, etc. 铁门、橡木门、钢门、木门等glazed 镶有玻璃的门double, French (especially NAmE) , patio 双层门;落地双扇玻璃门;露台门Go along the corridor and through the double doors.沿着走廊一直走,穿过双层门。screen (especially NAmE) 纱门automatic, folding, revolving, sliding, swing (BrE) , swinging (NAmE) 自动门;折叠门;旋转门;推拉门;双开式弹簧门He got stuck in a revolving door.他给旋转门困住了。She pushed her way through the swing / swinging doors.她推开弹簧门走过去。apartment (especially NAmE) , bathroom, flat (BrE) , kitchen, etc. 公寓门、浴室门、厨房门等closet (especially NAmE) , cupboard (especially BrE) , fridge, refrigerator 壁橱门;碗柜门;冰箱门elevator (NAmE) , lift (BrE) 电梯门cubicle (especially BrE) , shower, stall (NAmE) 隔间门;淋浴室门barn, Dutch (NAmE) , stable 谷仓门;两截门;马厩门garage 车库门car 车门driver's, passenger 驾驶员门;乘客门stage (供演职人员进出的)剧院后门fire (= a heavy door used to prevent a fire from spreading in a building) 防火门trap (usually trapdoor) 地板门;活动天窗magic, mysterious, secret 有魔力的门;神秘的门;秘密的门VERB + DOORfling open, open, pull open, push open, throw open 猛推开门;打开门;拉开门;推开门He flung the door open and caught them stuffing a document back into a briefcase.他猛地推开门,发现他们正把一份文件塞回公文包里。try 试着开门I tried the door but it was locked.我试着打开这扇门,然而已被上了锁。bang, close, shut, slam 砰的一声关上门;关门;使劲关门pull closed, pull shut, pull to (BrE) , push to (BrE) , slam shut 把门拉上;把门推上;猛地关门He pulled the door shut.他拉上了门。bar, bolt, lock 闩上门;锁上门He arrived home to find the door barred.他到了家,却发现门闩上了。Remember to bolt the door before you go to bed.记着上床前把门闩上。unbolt, unlatch (especially NAmE) , unlock 移开门闩;开门锁keep closed, keep shut, leave closed, leave shut 让门关着leave on the latch (BrE) 虚掩上门I left the door on the latch so that I could sneak back in later.我虚掩上门,以便过会儿再溜进去。keep open, leave ajar, leave open, prop open 让门开着;让门微开着;顶住门使之开着Someone had propped the fire door open with a pile of books.有人用一摞书顶住了防火门,不让它关上。come in, go in 进门He came in the side door.他进了侧门。come out, go out, slip out of 出门;溜出门approach, head for 朝门走去bang on, knock at, knock on 砰砰敲门;敲门I banged on the door for several minutes but still couldn't wake them.我使劲敲了好几分钟时间门,但是仍没能叫醒他们。answer 应声开门Go and answer the door.去开门。work (NAmE) 迎门He was working the door at the event.他在此次活动中负责迎门事宜。see sb to 把某人送到门口break down, kick down, kick in 打破门;踹开门;破门而入They had to break the door down to get into the house.为了进入这幢房子,他们不得不把门撞破。block 堵住门DOOR + VERBcreak 门嘎吱作响burst open, creak open, fly open, open, slide open, swing open 门猛地被推开;门吱吱嘎嘎响着(打开);门突然打开;门打开;门滑开;门转动着打开The door burst open and a little boy ran in.门被猛地推开,跑进来一个小男孩。swing shut, swing to (BrE) 门转动着关闭;门开向⋯hang open 门开着be ajar, stand ajar 门微开着The door stood ajar so I could see a narrow section of the room.门开了一条缝,因此我能看到房间内窄窄的一块地方。be open, stand open 门敞开着be jammed, be stuck 门卡住The door was jammed shut.门被卡住了。bang, rattle, shake 门砰地(打开/关上);门咯咯作响;门摇晃I was woken by a door banging in the wind.风吹得门砰砰作响,把我惊醒了。The door banged shut.门砰的一声关上了。click shut, close, shut, slam, slam shut 门咔嗒一声关上;门关上;门砰地关上connect sth 门连接⋯The door connecting the two offices is kept locked.连接两个办公室的门始终锁着。face sth 门朝向⋯lead to sth, open onto sth 门通向⋯;门向⋯开This door leads to my bedroom.这个门通往我的卧室。The door opens onto a sunny terrace.门开向阳光充足的阳台。be set in the wall 门安在墙上I stopped at a low oak door set in the stone wall.我在一扇安装在石墙上的橡木矮门边停了下来。bear sth, be marked sth 门上贴着⋯/标有⋯The door bore a notice saying 'Private'.门上挂着一个牌子,上面写着“私人房屋”。I went through the door marked 'Waiting Room'.我穿过标有“等候室”字样的门。DOOR + NOUNhandle, knob (usually doorknob) 门把手;球形门拉手frame, jamb 门框;门侧柱He leaned against the door jamb.他靠在门的侧柱上。furniture (BrE, technical 术语) , knocker 门配件;门环bell (usually doorbell) 门铃chain (especially BrE) , latch (especially NAmE) , lock 门链条;门闩;门锁Always put the door chain on.随时把门链扣上。key 门钥匙mat (usually doormat) 门前擦鞋垫stop (usually doorstop) 门挡This book would make a good doorstop.这本书当门挡用很不错。opener (车库等的)开门器automatic garage door openers自动车库开门器hinge 门铰链a creaking door hinge一个嘎吱作响的门铰链mirror (especially BrE) , panel (on a car) 车外后视镜;嵌入式车门面板Parking is helped by wide door mirrors.宽大的后视镜有助于泊车。man (usually doorman) , staff 看门人prize (= a prize for having the winning ticket handed out at the entrance to a social event) (NAmE) 门票对号奖;入场奖PREPOSITIONaround the door, round the door (especially BrE) 在门周围;围着门She stuck her head around the door to say goodbye.她把头伸出门外道别。at the door 在门口There's someone at the door.门口有人。in the door 在门里边He stood in the door for several minutes before deciding whether he'd stay.他站在门里边好几分钟才决定是否留下来。through the door 通过门He looked through the door to make sure the children were all right.他从门口往里面看,确保孩子们都平安无事。She poked her head through the door to say goodbye.她把头探出门外道别。door into, door to 门通向the door into the backyard通向后花园的门door between ⋯与⋯之间的门the door between the laundry room and the garage洗衣房与车库之间的门PHRASESclose, shut etc. the door behind you 随手关门He banged the front door behind him as he left.他走的时候砰的一声关上了前门。hold the door for sb, open the door for sb 为某人扶住门/开门blow a door off its hinges, pull a door off its hinges, take a door off its hinges 把门撞下门铰链;把门从铰链上卸下shut, slam, etc. the door in sb's face 关门/摔门拒绝让某人进屋




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