

词组 wonder
释义 wonder


2amazing thing/person 奇事;奇人ADJECTIVE | VERB + WONDER | PHRASES ADJECTIVEnatural 自然奇观Iceland is full of hot springs and other natural wonders.冰岛遍布温泉和其他自然奇观。architectural, technological, etc. 建筑、技术等奇观constant 永恒的奇迹It was a constant wonder to me that my father didn't die of exhaustion.我父亲没有累死,这在我看来一直是一个奇迹。nine days' (especially BrE) , seven-day 昙花一现She was determined to prove she was no seven-day wonder whose promise would remain unfulfilled.她决心要证明自己不会昙花一现,会实现许下的诺言,不会说说就算了。boy (humorous) 神童the new boy wonder of French football法国足球界刚出现的神童one-hit (humorous) 一次性的奇迹The band was a one-hit wonder in the '80s-no one has heard of them since.这支乐队在 80 年代曾一度走红,可此后再也没有人听说过他们。chinless (especially BrE) , gutless (especially NAmE, both humorous) 性格软弱的人;完全没有骨气的人The public thinks we're a bunch of gutless wonders.公众以为我们是一帮完全没有骨气的人。VERB + WONDERdiscover, experience, explore 发现/经历/探索奇迹Now it is your turn to discover the wonder of Bermuda.现在轮到你去探索百慕大的奇迹了。appreciate 欣赏奇观PHRASESdo wonders (for sb/sth), work wonders (for sb/sth) (为⋯)创造奇迹The change of diet has done wonders for my skin.改变饮食结构对我的皮肤产生了奇效。A good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast worked wonders.一夜好觉再加上一顿可口的早餐令人精神焕发。is it any wonder (that)...? ⋯有什么奇怪的吗?(it's) little wonder, (it's) no wonder, (it's) small wonder 没有什么奇怪;不足为怪No wonder you're still single-you never go out!难怪你还单身 - 你太宅了!a wonder to behold 值得一看的奇观The restored painting is a wonder to behold.那幅被修复的油画简直是个奇迹,很值得一看。the wonders of nature, the wonders of science, the wonders of technology 自然/科学/技术奇迹Thanks to the wonders of modern science, many common diseases will soon be things of the past.多亏了现代科学的奇迹,许多常见病很快就会得到根治。the wonders of the world 世界奇观The palace has been described as the eighth wonder of the world.这座宫殿已被誉为世界第八大奇观。




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