释义 |
diversion noun 2 (BrE) temporary route 临时路线 ➡ see also detour ADJECTIVE | VERB + DIVERSION | DIVERSION + VERB ADJECTIVEtemporary 临时支路◆A temporary diversion has been set up to take traffic away from the accident site.已经设定临时支路,以便车辆绕过事故现场。traffic 交通支路VERB + DIVERSIONset up 设立支路signpost 给支路设路标◆The road will be closed for two days; diversions have been signposted.这条路将封闭两天,已用路标标出绕行路线。DIVERSION + VERBbe in operation 支路在使用中◆The main road is now closed and diversions are in operation.主路现已封闭,支路可以通行。 |