

词组 disaster
释义 disaster


2a failure 失败ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISASTER | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEabsolute, complete, real, total, unmitigated, utter 完全的失败;彻头彻尾的失败The play was a complete disaster from beginning to end.这部戏自始至终都很失败。business, economic, electoral, fashion, financial, political, public relations (abbreviated to PR) , social 生意上的/经济上的/选举的/时尚方面的/财务上的/政治上的/公共关系上的/社会方面的失败the greatest electoral disaster of the century本世纪最失败的选举The shirt was a definite fashion disaster.这件衬衫毫无时尚可言。Buying that house turned out to be a financial disaster.买那座房子结果证明是理财上的失败。VERB + DISASTERprove, turn out to be 证明是失败;结果表明是失败High-rise buildings proved a social disaster.高层建筑证明是个社会灾难。become, turn into 成为/转为失败I can already foresee the night turning into a total disaster.现在我就可以预知这将是一个彻头彻尾的失败之夜。PREPOSITIONa disaster for sb/sth 对⋯而言是失败The festival ended up being a financial disaster for the promoters.节日最终对筹办者而言是财务上的失败。




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