

词组 disc
释义 disc


2 ( disk, especially in NAmE) music, video 唱片 see also CD ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISC | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcompact, DVD, vinyl 激光唱片;数字影碟;黑胶唱片I have an old vinyl disc of her singing.我有一张她的黑胶老唱片。VERB + DISCplay 放唱片insert 插入唱片He inserted the disc into the machine.他把唱片插入机器。hear, listen to, watch 听唱片;看碟片burn, produce, record 刻录/制作/录制碟片recommend 推荐唱片I highly recommend this disc.我大力推荐这张唱片。release 发行唱片The disc was released in 1998.这张唱片是 1998 年发行的。eject, load 弹出/装入唱片I ejected the disc before the end.在碟片播放结束前我将其弹出。PREPOSITIONon (a/the) disc 在唱片上He is one of the greatest singers on disc.他是录有唱片的最伟大的歌唱家之一。The Prokofiev sonata comes first on the disc.唱片上的第一支曲子是普罗科菲耶夫的奏鸣曲。disc of ⋯的唱片a disc of Mozart quartets莫扎特四重奏的唱片




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