

词组 supply
释义 supply


1sth that is supplied 供应物ADJECTIVE | VERB + SUPPLY | SUPPLY + VERB | SUPPLY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEtotal 总供给It is impossible to measure the total supply of money in circulation.无法计算出流通中的货币供应总量。available 可供给量endless, inexhaustible, infinite, limitless, never-ending, unending, unlimited 源源不断的供给;无穷无尽的供给;无限的供给;无限量的供给He has an endless supply of corny jokes.他有说不完的老掉牙的笑话。abundant, bountiful, good, large, plentiful 丰富的供应;大量的供应;充足的供应adequate, ample, sufficient 足够的供应;充分的供应excess 过量的供应inadequate, limited, small 不足的/有限的/少量的供应Hurry, as we only have a limited supply of these TVs in stock!这些电视存货有限,欲购从速!dwindling 日益缩减的供应constant, continuous, regular, steady 持续的/不断的/定期的/稳定的供应fresh 新的供应The body needs a fresh supply of vitamin C every day.人体每天都需要新的维生素 C 供给。ready, reliable 现成的/可靠的供给a reliable supply of clean water to communities社区洁净水的可靠供给domestic 国内供应air, blood, oxygen 空气/血液/氧气供给A clot in the brain cut off her blood supply.脑部凝血块阻断了她的大脑供血。food, milk, water, etc. 食品、牛奶、水等供给coal, electricity, energy, fuel, gas, oil, power, etc. 煤炭、电力、能源、燃料、煤气、石油等供应Domestic coal supplies were more plentiful in the 1950s.20 世纪 50 年代,国内煤炭供应更为充足。Turn off the mains electricity supply. (BrE) 关掉总电源。mains (BrE) 总供电labour/labor 劳动力供给The farmers depend on a casual labour / labor supply at harvest time.农场主在收获季节需要依靠临时工。money 货币供应the country's problems with inflation and money supply该国的通货膨胀和货币供给问题VERB + SUPPLYhave 有供应Make sure you have an adequate supply of brochures.确保宣传小册子供应充足。get, lay in, obtain, receive 得到/储备/获得/收到供给We should lay in a good supply of beer for the party.我们应该为聚会储备大量的啤酒。produce, provide 生产/提供供给品The studio produced a steady supply of good movies.这家制片厂不断制作出优秀的影片。ensure, maintain 确保/保持供给cut off, disconnect, disrupt, stop 切断供给;中断供给;停止供给The electricity company disconnected our supply.电力公司切断了给我们的供电。The storm disrupted the town's power supply.暴风雨使城市的电力供应中断。deplete, exhaust, use, use up 消耗供给;耗尽供给By the end of the winter the supply of grain was severely depleted.冬季快要结束时,粮食供给已经消耗得差不多了。replenish, restock (especially NAmE) , restore 补充供给;恢复供给increase 增加供应control, limit, reduce, restrict 控制供给;限制供给;减少供给exceed, outstrip 超过供应量Demand for top-quality programmers exceeds supply, leading to extortionate salaries.优秀程序员供不应求,致使工资畸高。SUPPLY + VERBincrease 供给增加fall 供给下降exceed demand, meet demand 供过于求;供给满足需求Supply did not increase to meet demand.并没有增加供给来满足需求。SUPPLY + NOUNchain, line, network 供应链;补给线;供应网络system 供给系统the water supply system供水系统contract 供应合同closet, room (both NAmE) 储藏室;储藏间depot, store (especially NAmE) 补给站;日用品商店I went to the office supply store.我去了办公用品商店。convoy, ship, train 补给车队/船只/火车route 补给线PREPOSITIONsupply of ⋯的供应a supply of spare batteries备用电池的供给supply to 向⋯供应to maintain an adequate water supply to the city维持对城市的充足供水PHRASESbe in short supply 供应短缺Food is in short supply following the flooding.洪水过后,粮食供应短缺。demand and supply, supply and demand 需求与供给;供求laws of supply and demand供求法则a fall in supply, a shortfall in supply 供给下降/不足There will soon be a shortfall in the supply of qualified people.合格人才短缺的现象将很快出现。an increase in supply 供给增加




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