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ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBcommercially 商业营销the first commercially marketed rice harvester首次商业化销售的水稻收割机heavily 大张旗鼓地营销effectively, successfully 有效地/成功地营销cleverly 巧妙地营销aggressively 咄咄逼人地推销actively 积极地推销directly 直接销售Many farmers have taken steps to directly market their meat to consumers.许多农民已采取措施把肉直接出售给消费者。exclusively, specifically 专门销售The low-alcohol wine is being marketed exclusively to women.这种低度葡萄酒专供女士。online 在线销售All her products are marketed online on her website.她所有的产品都通过她的网站在线销售。PREPOSITIONas 作为⋯销售It will be marketed as a tonic for the elderly.这将作为老年人滋补品在市场上销售。through 通过⋯销售The product is being marketed through the existing sales force.这种产品正通过现有的营销力量在市场上销售。to 卖给⋯The company is not actively marketing its products to schools.这家公司并没有积极地向学校销售其产品。




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更新时间:2024/9/21 10:34:11