

词组 deference
释义 deference


ADJECTIVE | VERB + DEFERENCE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgreat 高度的尊重VERB + DEFERENCEaccord, give, grant, show, treat sb with 给予尊重;显示尊重;心怀尊重地对待某人The actress was accorded all the deference of a visiting celebrity.对来访名人应予的一切尊重,这位女演员都享受到了。Why do you treat your boss with such deference?为什么你这么顺从你的老板?owe (to) sb 对某人心怀尊重PREPOSITIONin of deference to, out of deference to 基于对⋯的尊重The traditional menu was changed in deference to Western tastes.考虑到西方人的口味,对传统菜单作了改动。with deference 敬重地She spoke with great deference.她说话时毕恭毕敬。deference to, deference towards/toward 对⋯的尊重deference towards / toward your elders对长辈的尊重




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