释义 |
witness noun 1person who sees sth 目击者ADJECTIVE | VERB + WITNESS | WITNESS + VERB | WITNESS + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcrucial (especially BrE) , key, material, vital (especially BrE) 起决定作用的见证人;关键的目击证人;重要证人◆As the last person to see her alive, he was a material witness in the case.作为她死前最后一个见过她的人,他成为本案的重要目击证人。independent (especially BrE) 独立见证人credible, reliable 可靠的见证人unreliable 不可靠的见证人silent (figurative) 沉默的见证人◆The ancient temples bear silent witness to the passing dynasties.这些古刹默默见证了历代的兴亡。VERB + WITNESSappeal for (especially BrE) 呼吁目击者作证◆The police are appealing for witnesses.警方呼吁目击者出来作证。trace 找到目击者◆Police have so far failed to trace any witnesses to the attack.到目前为止,警方还没有找到这次袭击的目击者。WITNESS + VERBcome forward 目击证人出庭◆Two witnesses came forward with evidence.两个目击者出庭作证。report 目击者举报◆Witnesses reported that the suspect was a white male.目击者举报说,嫌疑犯是一名白人男子。WITNESS + NOUNaccount, statement (especially BrE) 目击者的描述PREPOSITIONaccording to witness 根据目击者的描述◆According to witnesses, the thief escaped through the bedroom window.根据目击者的描述,小偷是从卧室的窗户逃走的。witness to ⋯的目击者◆a witness to murder谋杀案目击者 |