

词组 active
释义 active


VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSbe 活跃become 变得活跃keep (sb), remain, stay (使某人)保持/仍然/依然活跃Try to keep active in the cold weather.天冷时要尽量多活动。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc. 极其/相当/非常活跃highly 十分活跃a highly active volcano十分活跃的火山increasingly 越来越活跃mentally, physically 思维/身手敏捷It's important to remain mentally active after retirement.退休后保持敏捷的思维是十分重要的。sexually 定期有性行为的By the age of 18, 65% of teenagers report being sexually active.65% 的青少年报称 18 岁之前已定期有性行为。economically, politically 经济上活跃的;政治上积极的When did you first become politically active?你是什么时候开始投身政治的?PREPOSITIONagainst 对⋯起作用drugs that are active against cancers对治疗癌症有效的药物in 在⋯方面表现积极She has been active in local politics for some years.她数年来一直活跃于当地政坛。




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