

词组 switch
释义 switch


2change that sb makes 改变ADJECTIVE | VERB + SWITCH | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEabrupt, sudden 突然的转变big 大转变complete 完全的转变tactical (especially BrE) 战术的改变The team's manager made a shrewd tactical switch.该队主教练对战术作出了高明的调整。VERB + SWITCHmake 作出改变PREPOSITIONswitch away from, switch from 改变⋯There will be no overnight switch away from old voting habits.不会一夜之间就改变旧的选举习惯。her switch from full-time to part-time work她从全职到兼职的转变switch back to, switch over to, switch to 变回;变向He's a classical singer who has made the switch over to pop.他是古典歌手,已改唱流行歌曲。switch between 在⋯之间转换the recent switches between direct and indirect taxation近期在直接税和间接税之间的反复switch in ⋯的转变their abrupt switch in allegiance他们在拥戴对象方面的突然转变




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