

词组 rent
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ADJECTIVE | VERB + RENT | RENT + VERB | RENT + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEexorbitant, high 过高的租金;高租金The tenants were not prepared to pay the higher rents demanded.房客不愿意付更高的租金。affordable, cheap, low 付得起的/便宜的/低廉的租金nominal, peppercorn (BrE) 名义上的/象征性的租金free (especially NAmE) 零租金They get free rent in return for taking care of the house.他们无须交租金,但条件是要照看好房子。fair 合理的租金reduced 降低的租金increased 提高的租金rising 上涨的租金Discontent resulted from sharply rising rents.由于租金大幅提高而产生了不满。fixed 固定的租金market 市值租金They weren't paying market rent on the properties.他们没有按市值租金支付那些房产的使用费。annual, monthly, weekly (especially BrE) 年租;月租;周租initial 首期租金The initial rent will be reviewed annually.首期租金每年都要审核。back, unpaid 拖欠的/未付的租金apartment (especially NAmE) , ground (in the UK) , house, housing, land, office 公寓租金;地租;房租;办公室租金VERB + RENTpay 付租金afford 付得起租金He couldn't afford the rent by himself.他自己付不起租金。be behind with, fall behind with, owe 拖欠租金;欠租金You put your tenancy at risk if you fall behind with the rent.如果你拖欠租金,就会有被拒租的危险。charge 索要租金The rent charged depends largely on the size and locality of the property.租金的多少主要取决于房子的大小和所处位置。collect 收租金The landlord came around to collect the month's rent.房东来收本月房租。receive 收到租金The company receives rent on local property that it owns.该公司收取归其所有的当地房产的租金。fix 定租金The rent will be fixed at 18% of the market value of the property.该房屋的租金将定为市值的 18%。increase, push up, put up (especially BrE) , raise 提高租金;抬高租金;涨租金The large stores have pushed up the rents in the area.大商店抬高了这一地区的租金。The new lease will put her rent up to £200 a week.新租约将使她的租金涨到每周 200 英镑。calculate, determine 计算/确定租金RENT + VERBbe due, be payable (especially BrE) 租金到期;该付租金The rent is due on the last day of the quarter.租金在这个季度的最后一天到期。go up, increase, rise 租金上升/增加/上涨Their rent has increased from $25 200 to $28 600 a year.他们一年的租金从 25,200 美元提高到了 28,600 美元。fall 租金降低RENT + NOUNmoney, payment 支付的租金book (BrE) 租金册We gave tenants rent books.我们把租金册交给租户。arrears (BrE) 拖欠的租金levels (especially BrE) 租金水平They took the landlord to court over increasing rent levels.他们因房东提高租金而将其告上法庭。increase, rise (especially BrE) 租金增加/提高review (BrE) 租金审核allowance (especially BrE) , rebate (BrE) , subsidy (especially NAmE) 房租补贴;租金部分退款;租金补助control (especially in NAmE) 租金管制collection 租金收取collector, man (BrE) 收租人strike 抗租行动PREPOSITIONin rent 以租金的形式The company has paid out a lot of money in rent.公司已经支付了大量租金。rent for ⋯的租金The rent for the house is affordable.这栋房屋的租金付得起。rent from 来自⋯的租金They earned rent from their property in London.他们出租伦敦的房子赚取租金。rent on ⋯的租金the rent on a factory工厂的租金PHRASESarrears of rent (BrE, law 法律) 租金拖欠to be liable for arrears of rent负有拖欠租金的法律责任for rent (especially NAmE) 供出租There was a sign saying 'Room for rent'.有个招牌上面写着“房屋出租”。a month's, a year's, etc. rent 月租、年租等the non-payment of rent, the payment of rent 不付租金;付租金The movement advocated the non-payment of rent and taxes.这一运动主张不缴纳租金和税款。




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