

词组 spin
释义 spin


2on information 信息ADJECTIVE | VERB + SPIN | SPIN + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEnegative, positive 负面/正面报道different, fresh, interesting, (whole) new, unique 不同的/新鲜的/有趣的/全新的/独特的报道She's put a whole new spin on the theme of corporate greed.她对公司贪婪这一主题作了全新的解读。contemporary, modern 当代/现代导向media, political 媒体/政治倾向性报道Labour, Republican, etc. 劳动党、共和党等的倾向性报道VERB + SPINadd, give sth, put 增加倾向性报道;对(⋯)作倾向性报道The chairman tried to put a positive spin on the closure of the factory.主席试图从正面解释工厂关闭一事。SPIN + NOUNdoctor 舆论导向专家government spin doctors政府舆论导向专家machine 舆论机器the government's spin machine政府的舆论机器PREPOSITIONwith a spin 以倾向性的观点The film retells the famous legend with a Marxist spin.这部电影用马克思主义的观点重述了那个著名的传说。




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