

词组 privacy
释义 privacy


ADJECTIVE | VERB + PRIVACY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEabsolute, complete, total 绝对不受干扰;完全不受干扰relative 相对隐私I was able to say goodbye to him in relative privacy.我得以相对私密地和他告别。individual, personal 个人隐私consumer, patient 消费者的/患者的隐私We need to have access to health records while protecting patient privacy.在保护病人隐私的同时,我们需要能接触到他们的健康记录。VERB + PRIVACYensure, guarantee, preserve, protect, respect, safeguard 确保/保证/维护/保护/尊重/保卫隐私guard, value 保护/看重隐私He has always jealously guarded his privacy.他一直小心地保护着自己的隐私。disturb, intrude on, invade, violate 打扰清静生活;侵犯隐私I hope I'm not intruding on your privacy.希望我没打扰你的清静。We need to deliver security without intruding on people's privacy.我们既需要保证他人安全,同时又不侵犯其隐私。PREPOSITIONin privacy 私下I want to be left in privacy.我想一个人待着。in the privacy of 独自待在⋯She longed to be in the privacy of her own room.她渴望待在自己的房间里,没有人干扰。privacy from 不受⋯的干扰privacy from prying eyes不受别人窥视目光的打扰PHRASESan intrusion of privacy (especially BrE) , an invasion of privacy 对⋯的隐私权的侵犯These phone calls are a gross invasion of privacy.这些打来的电话是严重侵害个人隐私的行为。an intrusion on (sb's) privacy 对(某人)隐私权的侵犯




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