

词组 competitor
释义 competitor


1in business 商业ADJECTIVE | VERB + COMPETITOR | COMPETITOR + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbiggest, chief, leading, main, major 最大的竞争对手;主要竞争者;重要的对手fierce, formidable, serious, strong, tough 强大的竞争对手;强有力的对手The company has no serious competitors in this area.该公司在这个领域里没有真正的竞争对手。potential 潜在的竞争对手closest, direct, nearest 势均力敌的/直接的/实力最接近的对手domestic, local 国内/地方竞争者foreign, global, international, overseas 国外的/全球的/国际的/海外的竞争者VERB + COMPETITORface 面对竞争者The industry is facing increasingly strong foreign competitors.该行业正面临着日益强大的国外竞争者的挑战。beat, outperform 打败/超过竞争者COMPETITOR + VERBoffer sth 竞争者主动提供⋯Nearly all our competitors offered free Internet services.我们的竞争者差不多都提供了免费的因特网服务。PREPOSITIONcompetitor for 竞争⋯的对手fierce competitors for the dominant position in the Asian market争夺亚洲市场主导地位的强劲对手




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