

词组 engine
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1part of a vehicle that produces power 发动机ADJECTIVE | VERB + ENGINE | ENGINE + VERB | ENGINE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, powerful 大发动机;大功率发动机small 小发动机twin engines 双发动机a large plane with twin engines带有双引擎的大飞机2-litre/2-liter, 1200 cc, 20-valve, four-cylinder, two-stroke, etc. 排气量为 2 升的、1200 毫升排量的、20 阀、四缸、二冲程等发动机300-hp (especially NAmE) , 200-bhp (= brake horsepower) (BrE) , etc. * 300 马力、200 制动马力等的发动机a 580-horsepower engine一台 580 马力的发动机diesel, gas (NAmE) , gasoline (NAmE) , petrol (BrE) 柴油发动机;燃气发动机;汽油发动机internal-combustion, jet, outboard, piston, turbine, turbo, turbocharged 内燃发动机;喷气发动机;舷外发动机;活塞发动机;涡轮发动机;涡轮增压发动机aircraft, airplane (NAmE) , rocket 飞机发动机;火箭发动机car 汽车引擎VERB + ENGINEcrank, crank up, fire, ignite, start, switch on, turn on 用曲柄启动发动机;点燃引擎;启动引擎The rocket engine is ignited.火箭发动机点火了。cut (informal) , kill (informal) , shut down, shut off, switch off, turn off 关上发动机;熄灭发动机;关闭发动机He pulled up under some trees and cut the engine.他把车停在几棵树下,关闭了引擎。gun (NAmE) , rev, rev up, run 给引擎加力;加速发动机;开动引擎She sat at the traffic lights revving the engine.她停在红绿灯下,使发动机加速。power 驱动引擎Its engine is powered by both gasoline and electricity.其引擎用汽油和电力驱动。repair, service, tune 修理/保养/调试发动机lubricate 给发动机加润滑剂build 组装引擎fit (sth with), install ( 给⋯ ) 安装发动机The new model is fitted with a more powerful engine.新型号安装了更强大的发动机。ENGINE + VERBrun 发动机运转She waited with the engine running while he bought a paper.她没让发动机熄火,等他买报纸回来。The engine runs on diesel.这款发动机使用柴油。idle, tick over (BrE) 发动机空转I kept the engine ticking over.我让发动机一直保持空转。catch 发动机启动I pressed the starter and the engine caught first time.我按下启动按钮,发动机一下就启动了。fire, fire up, start 发动机点火;发动机启动The engine's firing on all four cylinders now.现在发动机的 4 个气缸都在工作。shut down, shut off, stop 发动机停转break down, die, fail, quit (NAmE) , seize (NAmE) , seize up, stall 发动机坏了;引擎熄火misfire 发动机不启动overheat 发动机过热cough, splutter 发动机咔咔作响/毕剥作响The engine coughed and died.发动机咔咔响了一会儿便熄了火。roar, scream 发动机发出隆隆声/呼啸The plane's engine roared as it prepared for take-off.飞机准备起飞时发动机轰鸣。hum, purr 发动机轰鸣/发出隆隆声race, rev, rev up 发动机高速运转;发动机加速He heard a car engine racing behind him.他听到身后汽车引擎高速运转的声音。ENGINE + NOUNcapacity, power, speed 发动机容量/功率/转速compartment, room 发动机舱;发动机房the ship's engine room船的发动机房component, part 发动机部件oil 机油failure, problems, trouble 发动机故障It looks as if we've got some engine trouble.看来我们的发动机好像出了什么故障。builder, maker, manufacturer 发动机制造商;引擎生产者plant 发动机工厂The engine plant was the first one to be built.这是建造的第一座发动机厂。noise 发动机噪声PREPOSITIONin an/the engine 在发动机里You need more oil in the engine.你需要往发动机里多加点儿油。PHRASESbe powered by a... engine 由⋯引擎驱动This model is powered by a diesel engine.这一型号由柴油机驱动。the noise, roar, sound, etc. of the engine 发动机的噪声、轰鸣、声音等




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