

词组 collapse
释义 collapse


3sudden/complete failure of sth 突然/彻底失败ADJECTIVE | VERB + COLLAPSE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcomplete, total 完全失败;彻底瓦解general 全面失败virtual 事实上的失败sudden 突然失败economic, financial 经济/财政崩溃the sudden economic collapse of 20012001 年那次突然的经济崩溃VERB + COLLAPSEbring about, cause, contribute to, lead to, result in, trigger 引致失败;促使瓦解;导致失败;以失败告终The war has led to the collapse of agriculture in the area.战争导致那一地区农业崩溃。be faced with, face 面临崩溃be on the brink of, be on the point of, be on the verge of 濒临崩溃avoid, prevent 避免/防止崩溃predict 预示崩溃watch, witness 关注/目睹失败PREPOSITIONcollapse into 崩溃到⋯a collapse into anarchy崩溃陷入无政府状态




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更新时间:2024/9/21 12:46:52