

词组 cold
释义 cold


2common illness 常见疾病ADJECTIVE | VERB + COLD ADJECTIVEbad, heavy (BrE) , nasty 重感冒She won her match despite suffering from a heavy cold.尽管患了重感冒,她仍然赢得了比赛。mild, slight 轻微感冒common 感冒When will they find a cure for the common cold?他们什么时候才能找到治愈感冒的药呢?chest, head 支气管炎;鼻伤风VERB + COLDhave, nurse, suffer from 感冒;调理感冒;患感冒Jim stayed at home because he was nursing a cold.吉姆正调理感冒,所以在家里待着。catch, go down with (BrE) 染上感冒I must have caught a cold on the bus.我一定是在公共汽车上得了感冒。If you stay out in the rain you'll catch cold!如果待在外面淋雨,你会感冒的! topic at illness




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