释义 |
violence noun 1hurting other people physically 暴行ADJECTIVE | ... OF VIOLENCE | VERB + VIOLENCE | VIOLENCE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, excessive, extreme, great, large-scale, serious 重大的暴力行为;过度的暴力;极端的暴力;大规模的暴力;严重的暴力fresh 新的暴力行为◆There are fears of fresh violence if the strike continues.人们担心如果罢工继续下去会再出现暴力事件。escalating, growing 不断升级的暴行continuing, ongoing 持续不断的暴行gratuitous, unnecessary 无端的/不必要的暴力行为◆Letters poured in complaining about the gratuitous violence on the show.大量的来信投诉戏中无谓的暴力场面。indiscriminate, random 不分青红皂白的/任意妄为的暴行mindless, senseless, wanton 盲目的/无谓的/肆无忌惮的暴行brutal, deadly, horrific, lethal 残忍的暴力行为;致命的暴行;可怕的暴行◆We need to bring an end to the deadly violence in the region.我们需要制止该地区的致命性暴力行为。graphic 逼真的暴力场面◆There was surprisingly little graphic violence in the film.该电影中居然几乎没有血腥的暴力场面,真令人惊奇。criminal, unlawful (BrE) 暴力犯罪;非法暴力侵害endemic, widespread 普遍的/泛滥肆虐的暴行◆attempts to rescue the country from endemic violence将国家从暴力泛滥的局面中拯救出来的多番努力sporadic 偶发的暴行◆In spite of sporadic violence, polling was largely orderly.尽管有偶发的暴力事件,投票大体上是有序的。physical, sexual 人身暴力;性暴力domestic, family, marital (NAmE) , partner (NAmE) 家庭暴力;夫妻间的暴力行为;伴侣间的暴力行为hate 因仇恨引发的暴行◆a wave of hate violence and discrimination against migrant workers一股由仇视引发的针对流动工人的暴力和歧视狂潮interpersonal 人际暴力communal, ethnic, racial, sectarian 团体间/民族间/种族间/教派间的暴力冲突anti-gay, anti-Semitic, etc. 反同性恋、反犹太人等的暴力行为drug-related, gang-related, etc. 与吸毒、与黑帮等有关的暴力insurgent, political, revolutionary, terrorist 叛乱分子的暴行;政治暴力;革命暴力;恐怖分子的暴行school, workplace 校园/工作场所的暴力urban 城市里的暴力行为gun 持枪暴行gang, mob 帮派的暴行;群体暴乱male, teen (NAmE) , teenage, youth 男性暴力;青少年暴力行为... OF VIOLENCElevel 暴力等级VERB + VIOLENCEcommit, employ, engage in, inflict, perpetrate, resort to, turn to, use 实施暴力;参与暴力;施以暴力;诉诸暴力;使用暴力◆people who inflict violence on animals虐待动物的人◆violence perpetrated by the army军队犯下的暴行◆The peasants believed their only choice was to resort to violence.农民认为他们唯一的选择就是诉诸暴力。◆Under no circumstances should police use violence against protesters.任何情况下警方都不应该对抗议者使用暴力。suffer 遭受暴力的折磨◆She had suffered years of violence and abuse.她多年来饱受暴力和虐待之苦。witness 目睹暴行◆Children who witness violence between parents often develop problems.目睹父母之间有暴力行为的孩子常常会出问题。encourage, fuel, incite, promote, provoke 怂恿暴力行为;煽动暴力;挑起暴行advocate 提倡暴力condemn, denounce, hate, reject, renounce 谴责暴行;憎恶暴行;拒绝暴行;声明放弃暴力threaten 威胁使用暴力◆Charlie was threatening violence against them both.查利扬言要对他们两人动粗。condone, justify 容忍暴力;为暴力辩护◆They use their religion to justify violence.他们利用自己的宗教为暴行辩护。glorify 美化暴力◆Don't buy toys that glorify violence.不要买颂扬暴力的玩具。breed 滋生暴力◆Hatred breeds violence.仇恨滋生暴力。spill over into 控制不住演变成暴力◆The enthusiasm of the protest spilled over into violence.抗议的情绪高涨,演变成了暴力事件。contain, control 遏制/控制暴行◆UN peacekeepers are struggling to contain the escalating violence.联合国维和人员正在竭力遏制暴力冲突升级。curb, end, quell, stop 控制/结束/平息/制止暴力◆Troops were called in to quell the violence.部队被调来平息暴力事件。be capable of 有可能使用暴力◆We are all capable of violence in certain circumstances.任何人在特定情况下都会动用暴力。VIOLENCE + VERBbreak out, erupt, flare, occur, take place 暴力事件爆发;暴力事件发生◆Violence erupted outside the prison last night.昨晚监狱外面爆发了暴力事件。affect sb/sth 暴力影响⋯kill sb 暴力导致某人死亡◆Political violence killed 29 people last week.上周的政治暴力事件导致 29 人丧生。mar sth 暴力破坏⋯◆The demonstration was marred by violence.示威活动被暴力事件扰乱了。threaten sth 暴力威胁到⋯◆TV violence threatens the health and welfare of young people.电视暴力威胁到年轻人的健康和幸福。escalate, increase, intensify 暴力事件升级;暴力加剧◆Observers have warned that the violence could escalate into armed conflict.观察员警告说暴力事件可能会升级为武装冲突。spread 暴力蔓延continue 暴力持续PREPOSITIONviolence against 针对⋯的暴行◆violence against police officers针对警察的暴行violence among ⋯中的暴力◆violence among young men年轻人的暴力行为violence between ⋯之间的暴力◆violence between rival ethnic groups敌对族群间的暴力冲突violence towards/toward 对⋯的暴行◆violence towards / toward ethnic minorities对少数民族实施的暴行violence within ⋯内的暴力◆violence within the family家庭暴力PHRASESan act of violence 暴力行为◆Any act of violence against another player must be punished.对其他运动员的任何暴力行为都必须受到惩罚。an end to violence 暴力的结束◆The former leader of the terrorist group has called for an end to the violence.该恐怖组织的前领导人呼吁停止使用暴力。an eruption of violence, an outbreak of violence, an upsurge in violence, a wave of violence 暴力事件的爆发;暴力事件的激增;暴力风潮◆The police are bracing themselves for an outbreak of violence.警察正在做准备以应付突发的暴力事件。fear of violence 对暴力的恐惧a life of violence 充斥着暴力的生活◆It was a predictable death for a man who had lived a life of violence.他过这种充满暴力的生活,丧命是意料中的事。men of violence 暴徒◆the men of violence who start wars多次挑起战争的暴徒an outburst of violence 动武◆He had a short temper and was prone to outbursts of violence.他是个急性子,常常动粗。the threat of violence 暴力的威胁a victim of violence 暴力的牺牲品◆a refuge for victims of domestic violence家庭暴力受害者的避难所violence begets violence, violence breeds violence 暴力引发暴力◆We have to make people realize that violence only begets more violence.我们必须让人们认识到:暴力只能引发更多的暴力。 |