

词组 invoice
释义 invoice


ADJECTIVE | VERB + INVOICE | INVOICE + NOUN ADJECTIVEoutstanding, unpaid 未偿付/未付讫票据Immediate payment of the outstanding invoices was requested in a letter.一封来函要求立即为未付讫票据付款。paid 付讫发票original (especially BrE) 原始发票final (especially BrE) 最终发货单Please pay the final invoice within two weeks.请在两个星期内支付最终发货单所示款项。VAT (BrE) 增值税发票Payment will be made within 28 days after receipt of the appropriate VAT invoice.收到增值税发票经核对无误后,款项将于 28 天内支付。monthly 月度发票bogus (especially BrE) , fake (especially NAmE) , false (especially BrE) 伪造的发票;虚假的发票He submitted fake invoices totalling $278 000.他提交了总额达 27.8 万美元的虚假发票。handwritten 手写发票a handwritten invoice for £1 352一张金额为 1,352 英镑的手写发票VERB + INVOICEissue (especially BrE) , raise (BrE) , render (BrE) , send, submit (especially BrE) 开具发票;寄送发票;提交发票get, receive 得到/收到发票pay 支付发货单金额INVOICE + NOUNprice, value (BrE) 发票价格/金额The shipping costs can be as high as 50% of the invoice value of the goods.运费最高可达货物发票金额的 50%。




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