

词组 thought
释义 thought


1sth that you think 想法ADJECTIVE | VERB + THOUGHT | THOUGHT + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcomforting, good, happy, pleasant, positive 令人宽慰的想法;好主意;令人高兴的想法;积极的想法It was a comforting thought that at least her father hadn't suffered.令人宽慰的是,至少她爸爸没有遭受痛苦。Before going on stage, I breathe deeply and think positive thoughts.上台之前,我会做深呼吸,头脑里只想正面的东西。anxious, awful, bad, black, dark, depressing, disturbing, evil, gloomy, horrible, negative, sad, scary, sobering, terrible 不安的/可怕的/不好的/悲观的/阴郁的/令人沮丧的/令人烦恼的/邪恶的/忧郁的/恐怖的/消极的/悲哀的/吓人的/令人警醒的/骇人的想法A disturbing thought suddenly struck me.我的脑中突然冒出了一个令人不安的念头。confused, crazy, strange 混乱的/疯狂的/奇怪的想法interesting, intriguing 有趣的/令人着迷的想法original 新颖的想法This is hardly an original thought.这很难说是一个新颖的想法。first, immediate, initial 第一个念头;最直接的念头;最初的想法My immediate thought was that he must be joking.我的第一个念头就是他一定是在开玩笑。final 最终的想法Do you have any final thoughts?你有什么最终的想法吗?sudden 突然的想法random 随机的想法Let me share a few random thoughts with you.让我跟你分享一些随机的想法。fleeting, passing 一闪而过的想法;闪现的念头intrusive 侵入性思想suicidal 自杀念头patients that are suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts为抑郁和自杀念头所苦的患者conscious 有意识的思想unspoken 未说出口的想法waking 清醒时的思想She occupied all his waking thoughts.他只要醒着满脑子想的都是她。inner, innermost, private 内心的/内心最深处的/私下的想法VERB + THOUGHThave, think 有想法;想出主意I've just had a thought (= an idea).我刚刚有了个想法。He remained aloof, thinking his own thoughts.他始终落落寡合,一心想着自己的事。have, hear, know 听取/了解/知道意见Let me have your thoughts on the report.让我听听你对这份报告的看法。express, share, write down 表达/分享/记下想法collect, gather 整理想法She paused to collect her thoughts before speaking.她停下来理了理思路,然后才发言。clear 理清思路He shook his head to clear his thoughts.他摇摇头,清理一下自己的思绪。read 看穿心思She often seems to know what I'm thinking, as though she can read my thoughts.她经常似乎知道我在想什么,好像她能读懂我的心思一样。interrupt 打断想法brush aside, brush away, push aside, push away, push from your mind, push out of your mind 撇开想法;搁置想法;排除想法;驱除想法An image of his boss came into his mind, but he brushed the thought aside.老板的形象闯入他的脑海,但他将其拂去。dread, not be able to bear, not like, not relish 害怕想法;不能忍受想法;不喜欢想法She said she couldn't bear the thought of living alone in the house.她说一想到独自住在这栋房子里,她就受不了。I don't like the thought of you walking home alone.我不想让你独自步行回家。THOUGHT + VERBcome into sb's head, come into sb's mind, come to sb, cross sb's mind, enter sb's head, enter sb's mind, hit sb, occur to sb, pop into sb's head, pop into sb's mind, strike sb 想法进入某人脑海;想法掠过某人脑际;想法闪现在某人脑子里The thought crossed my mind that Jim might know the answer.我脑海中闪过一个想法:吉姆也许知道答案。Such a thought never entered my head.这样的念头从未进入过我的脑海。flash through sb's mind, go through sb's mind, pass through sb's mind, race through sb's mind, run through sb's mind 想法闪过某人心头;想法进入某人脑海All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind.各种各样的想法闪过我的脑海。sb's thoughts turn to sth 某人的思绪转向⋯My thoughts turned to home.我的思绪转到了家里。sb's thoughts drift back to 某人的思绪不知不觉回到⋯Her thoughts drifted back to that night.她的思绪不知不觉回到了那个夜晚。PREPOSITIONthought about 有关⋯的想法He lay there thinking gloomy thoughts about life and death.他躺在那儿,想着那些与生死有关的阴郁问题。thought of ⋯这个想法He shuddered at the thought of going to the dentist.想到要去看牙,他打了一个寒战。thought on 对⋯的想法They asked him what his thoughts were on the government's announcement.他们问他怎么看待政府的声明。PHRASESjust a thought 不过一个想法Would Mark be able to help? It's just a thought.马克能帮忙吗?就这么一想而已。keep your thoughts to yourself 把想法闷在心里He's not the kind of man to keep his thoughts to himself.他不是那种把想法闷在自己心里的人。the mere thought of sth, the very thought of sth 只要想到⋯;一想到⋯The mere thought of lice makes my head itch.只要想到虱子我就头皮发痒。




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