

词组 intruder
释义 intruder


ADJECTIVE | VERB + INTRUDER | INTRUDER + VERB | INTRUDER + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEunwanted, unwelcome 不速之客;不受欢迎的闯入者masked 蒙面闯入者VERB + INTRUDERapprehend, catch 逮捕入侵者;抓住闯入者detect, disturb (BrE) , find 发觉/惊扰/发现闯入者He found a masked intruder in the kitchen.他在厨房发现了一个蒙面闯入者。chase away, deter, discourage, keep away, keep out 驱逐/阻止/劝阻/赶走/赶出闯入者Dogs can deter unwelcome intruders.狗能够阻拦不受欢迎的闯入者。tackle (BrE) 擒抱闯入者He was stabbed when he tackled an intruder armed with a knife.他在擒抱一名持刀闯入者的时候被捅伤了。repel 击退闯入者Staff were instructed to repel intruders with physical force, if need be.员工们接到指示,必要时可以武力驱逐闯入者。INTRUDER + VERBbreak into, force their way into (especially BrE) 入侵者闯入/强行闯入Intruders had forced their way into the house.入侵者强行闯进了房子。INTRUDER + NOUNalarm, alert 入侵警报;防盗警报PREPOSITIONagainst intruders 针对闯入者security measures against intruders防范闯入者的安全措施




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