释义 |
recess noun 1period when a parliament, etc. does not meet 休会ADJECTIVE | VERB + RECESS | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEAugust (NAmE) , Christmas (especially BrE) , Easter (especially NAmE) , holiday (NAmE) , summer, Whitsun (BrE) , winter (NAmE) * 8 月/圣诞节/复活节/假日/夏季/圣灵降临节/冬季休会期◆Congress returns from its August recess Tuesday.8 月份休会后,国会于周二恢复工作。◆Parliament is taking the Christmas recess a little early this year.今年议会的圣诞节休会期会稍稍提早一些。◆The bill has to be passed before the holiday recess.该法案必须在假日休会期前通过。congressional, parliamentary 国会/议会休会期brief, short (both especially NAmE) 短暂的休会;简短的休庭◆The court will take a brief recess while the witness composes herself.法庭将短暂地休庭以使证人镇静下来。month-long, two-month, week-long, etc. 一个月、两个月、一周等的休会期VERB + RECESSgo into, rise for (BrE, formal) , stand in (NAmE, formal) , take 开始休会;进入休假期;暂时休会;休会◆The Senate will go into recess after Thanksgiving.参议院将于感恩节之后开始休会。◆Parliament is due to rise for the summer recess on July 20.议会定于 7 月 20 日进入夏季休会期。◆The Florida court stands in recess.佛罗里达州法院暂时休庭。return from 休假归来call 宣布休庭◆The judge called a short recess.法官宣布短暂休庭。PREPOSITIONin recess 休会中◆Congress has been in recess for over a month.国会已经休会一个多月了。◆The decision cannot be made while the council is in recess.委员会休会期间不可作出决定。 |