

词组 drive
释义 drive


6effort 努力ADJECTIVE | VERB + DRIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig 大运动relentless 不懈的斗争national, nationwide 全国范围的运动export, marketing, sales 出口运动;促销活动;推销活动cost-cutting, efficiency (both especially BrE) 降低成本运动;提高效率运动membership, organizing (NAmE) , petition (NAmE) , recruitment, voter-registration (especially NAmE) 会员招募;发展组织;请愿运动;征召活动;选民登记运动fund (NAmE) , fund-raising, pledge (NAmE) 捐款/募捐/誓约活动blood, clothing, food (all NAmE) 献血/衣物募捐/食品募捐活动We organized a food drive for the city's homeless shelters.我们为该市无家可归者收容所组织了一场食品募捐活动。anti-corruption, anti-drug, etc. 反腐败、反毒品等运动VERB + DRIVElaunch, organize 发动/组织运动We're going to launch a big recruitment drive in the spring.我们将在春季进行大规模招募。spearhead 做⋯运动的先锋The Popular Front spearheaded the drive for independence.人民阵线成为独立运动的先锋。PREPOSITIONdrive against 反⋯的运动a drive against corruption反腐败运动drive by 由⋯发起的运动the recent recruitment drive by the police最近警方的招募活动drive for ⋯运动the country's drive for modernization该国的现代化运动drive towards/toward 为达至⋯的努力a drive towards / toward higher safety standards进一步提高安全水平的运动




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