释义 |
reading noun 3way of understanding 理解方式ADJECTIVE | VERB + READING ADJECTIVEallegorical, literal 从讽喻角度/就字面理解◆He draws his morality from a literal reading of the Old Testament.他的道德观来自于对《圣经・旧约》字面的理解。insightful, sensitive 深入的/敏锐的理解◆her attentive and insightful reading of the manuscript她对手稿细致而深入的理解VERB + READINGgive, offer, provide 进行阐释;提出看法◆Longinus provides a sensitive reading of Sappho's poem.朗吉努斯以敏锐的理解力诠释了萨福的诗歌。invite, suggest 导致⋯理解◆These paintings often invite an allegorical reading.这些画常常令人感觉有讽喻意味。 |