

词组 strong
释义 strong


VERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe, feel, look 强壮;感觉有力;看上去强壮become, get, grow 变得强壮remain, stay 依然/保持强壮prove 证明是强壮的stand 坚强地挺住We must stand strong in the face of adversity.在逆境面前我们必须坚强。finish 以强势结束The men's golf team finished strong on Saturday.星期六,这支男子高尔夫球队以强劲的势头完成了比赛。make sb 使某人强壮All that outdoor work has made him very strong.这一切户外工作使他变得非常强壮。keep sth 使⋯保持坚挺This news helped keep the dollar relatively strong today.今天美元保持了相对坚挺,与这则消息有关。smell, taste 浓烈的气味;很重的口味ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc. 极其/相当/非常强大He exerts an extremely strong influence on his classmates.他对班里的同学有着极大的影响。exceptionally, immensely, incredibly 格外强烈;非常强大surprisingly 出奇地强大Sales were surprisingly strong in the second half of the year.下半年的销售量高得惊人。enough 足够强大Don't try to go back to work before you are physically strong enough.在身体完全恢复之前,不要急着回去工作。The party lacks a strong enough local base.该党在当地缺乏足够坚实的基础。physically 体格健壮PHRASESbe still going strong 状况依然良好The business is still going strong.生意依然不错。




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