释义 |
likeness noun ADJECTIVE | VERB + LIKENESS | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEstrong 非常相似◆The children all share a strong family likeness.孩子们都长得很像,是一家人。exact 完全相同◆That is an exact likeness to the man I saw.那和我见过的那个男子完全一样。good 很相似remarkable, uncanny 不同寻常的/出奇的相似superficial 表面上的相似◆There's a superficial likeness, but they're really very different.他们看着有点儿像,其实非常不同。physical 形体上的相似family 家族成员外貌的相像VERB + LIKENESSsee 看见相似处bear 带有相似处◆She bears a remarkable likeness to her aunt.她和她的姑妈非常相像。capture 抓住外表特征◆a quick caricature that captured her likeness草草几笔就勾勒出她外表特点的一幅漫画create, draw, paint 创作画像;绘制画像◆She paid an artist to create his likeness.她付钱给一位艺术家为他创作画像。PREPOSITIONlikeness between ⋯之间的相似◆I can't see any likeness between her children.我看不出她的孩子之间有什么相像之处。likeness of, likeness to ⋯的画像;与⋯的相像◆That's a good likeness of my grandfather.那幅画酷似我祖父。 |