

词组 breeze
释义 breeze


ADJECTIVE | BREEZE + VERB | VERB + BREEZE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfaint, gentle, light, little, slight, soft 微风;柔风;清风stiff, strong 强风sudden 急风chill, chilly, cold, cool, cooling, fresh 寒风;冷风;凉爽的风;清新的微风warm 和煦的风pleasant 舒适的风pleasant sea breezes宜人的海风evening, morning, night 晚风;晨风;夜风spring, summer 春风;夏季的风ocean (especially NAmE) , sea 海风northerly, westerly, etc. 北风、西风等BREEZE + VERBblow, come, drift 和风吹来;微风吹拂A light breeze came off the sea.从海上吹来了微风。ruffle sth, rustle sth, stir sth 和风把⋯弄皱/使⋯沙沙作响/使⋯微动A sudden breeze rustled the long dry grass.突然刮来一阵风,吹得这片高高的干草沙沙作响。sweep 微风吹过The cool breeze swept through the trees.凉爽的微风吹过树林。come up 和风吹起A breeze came up in the late afternoon.下午晚些时候吹起了和风。drop 和风渐弱VERB + BREEZEfeel 感觉到和风I felt the breeze on my face.我感觉到微风拂面。PREPOSITIONin a/the breeze 在和风中The curtains fluttered in the night breeze.窗帘在晚风中飘动。




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