

词组 pocket
释义 pocket


1for keeping things in 存放东西ADJECTIVE | VERB + POCKET | POCKET + VERB | POCKET + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbulging 鼓鼓囊囊的口袋tourists with bulging pockets口袋鼓鼓囊囊的游客deep 深的袋子zip (BrE) , zipped, zippered (NAmE) 有拉链的口袋jean (especially NAmE) , jeans, pants (NAmE) , trouser (especially BrE) 牛仔裤口袋;裤兜coat, jacket, shirt, vest (NAmE) , waistcoat (BrE) , etc. 大衣、夹克、衬衫、背心、马甲等口袋back, breast, chest (NAmE) , front, hip, inner, inside, outer, side, top 后面的/胸前的/胸部的/前面的/臀部的/里面的/贴身的/外面的/侧面的/上衣的口袋door (especially BrE) , seat 门后的/座位后的小袋Please read the safety leaflet in the seat pocket in front of you (= on a plane).请阅读一下您前方座位小袋里的安全小册子。hidden, secret 暗袋Forged passports were found in a secret pocket in the suitcase.假护照是在手提箱的暗袋里发现的。VERB + POCKETcheck, feel in, fish in, fumble in, go through, rummage in, search 在口袋里查看;在袋中摸索;在兜里翻找He went through all his pockets looking for his key.他翻遍了所有的口袋找钥匙。pat 拍口袋My cellphone rang and I patted my pockets looking for it.我的手机响了,我拍拍口袋寻找它。reach in 伸进口袋She reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone.她伸手进口袋把手机拿了出来。dip into (figurative) 掏腰包Once again club members have had to dip into their pockets (= spend their own money) to buy new equipment.俱乐部成员不得不再次自掏腰包购买新设备。fish sth from/out of, get sth from/out of, pull sth from/out of, take sth from/out of 从袋中掏出⋯I fished the list out of my pocket.我从口袋中掏出名单。empty, turn out 掏空口袋;翻出口袋The security guard made them empty their pockets.保安人员让他们把口袋里的东西全掏出来。put sth in/into, stuff sth in/into, thrust sth in/into 把⋯放进口袋;把⋯塞进口袋She stuffed the money into her pocket and walked out.她把钱塞进口袋,走了出去。He walked past with his collar turned up and his hands thrust into his pockets.他竖起领子,双手插在口袋里走了过去。fill, stuff 装满口袋We filled our pockets with apples.我们的口袋里装满了苹果。line (figurative) 中饱私囊Dishonest officials have been lining their pockets with public funds.贪官将公共基金中饱私囊。pick 扒窃He caught a boy trying to pick his pocket on the bus.他在公交车上抓了一名企图扒窃他财物的男孩。POCKET + VERBbulge 口袋鼓鼓囊囊My pockets were bulging with loose change.零钱把我的口袋撑得鼓鼓囊囊的。POCKET + NOUNlining 口袋衬里PREPOSITIONin the/your pocket 在口袋里My wallet was in the back pocket of my jeans.我的钱夹在牛仔裤后面的口袋里。out of the/your pocket 从口袋里He took a few coins out of his pocket.他从口袋里拿出几枚硬币。PHRASEShands in pockets, with your hands in your pockets 双手放在口袋里He stood there, hands in pockets.他站在那里,两手插在口袋里。the lining of a pocket 口袋衬里




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