释义 |
pledge noun ADJECTIVE | VERB + PLEDGE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcampaign (especially NAmE) , election (especially BrE) , manifesto (BrE) 竞选诺言;许诺宣言◆The party's election pledge was to cut income taxes by a third over the next five years.该党的竞选承诺是在未来五年间削减三分之一的收入所得税。spending (BrE) 开支保证◆spending pledges given by the government政府作出的开支保证abstinence, virginity (both especially NAmE) 禁欲/童贞誓言◆He took a virginity pledge as a teenager.作为一名少年,他作出了童贞誓言。VERB + PLEDGEgive (sb), make, sign, take 对(某人)保证;承诺fulfil/fulfill, honour/honor 履行诺言break, go back on, renege on 违背诺言recite, say 背诵/说出誓言◆They recited the Pledge of Allegiance. (in the US) 他们背诵效忠誓词。PREPOSITIONpledge on ⋯方面的誓言◆manifesto pledges on greater public spending关于扩大公共开支的宣告PHRASESa pledge of support 支持的誓言 |