

词组 box
释义 box


3square on a form/screen 表格或屏幕上的方框ADJECTIVE | VERB + BOX | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEappropriate, relevant (especially BrE) 相应的方框Tick the appropriate box below.在下面相应的方框中打钩。dialog 对话框Click on 'open file' in the dialog box.在对话框里点击“打开文件”。check, tick (BrE) (usually checkbox, tickbox) (电脑屏幕上的)校验框;复选框VERB + BOXcheck (especially NAmE) , fill in, mark (especially NAmE) , put sth in, tick (BrE) , write (sth) in 核对后在选项框内打钩;填表格;在方框内标记;把⋯填在方框内;在方框内打钩;(把⋯)写在方框内Put a cross in the box if you agree with the comments.如果你同意这些评论,就在方框内打叉。PREPOSITIONin a/the box, into a/the box 在方框内PHRASEStick all the boxes (= do exactly the right things to please sb) (BrE) (informal) 做令人满意的事The house we would like to buy ticks all the boxes.我们想要买下的房子无可挑剔。




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