释义 |
beer noun ADJECTIVE | ... OF BEER | VERB + BEER | BEER + VERB | BEER + NOUN ADJECTIVEgood, great, quality 好啤酒;上等啤酒cheap 廉价啤酒strong 浓啤酒alcohol-free, light, low-alcohol, no-alcohol, non-alcoholic 无醇啤酒;淡啤酒;低酒精啤酒cold, ice-cold 冷啤;冰啤warm 温啤酒black, blonde, dark 黑啤酒;浅色啤酒;深色啤酒wheat 小麦啤酒craft, specialty (both NAmE) 微酿啤酒;特制啤酒domestic (especially NAmE) , imported, local 国产/进口/当地啤酒bottled, cask (BrE) , draught/draft, keg 瓶装/桶装/散装/小桶啤酒flat (= that the gas has gone out of) 跑了气的啤酒stale 陈啤酒◆The bar smelled of stale beer.这家酒吧有一股走了味的啤酒气味儿。home-brewed 家酿的啤酒ginger, root (NAmE) 姜汁啤酒;根汁汽水... OF BEERpint (BrE) 一品脱啤酒◆I ordered half a pint of beer with my sandwich.我点了半品脱啤酒来配三明治。barrel, bottle, can, keg, pitcher (NAmE) 一大桶/一瓶/一罐/一小桶/一大杯啤酒cup (NAmE) , glass, mug (NAmE) , tankard 一杯/一玻璃杯/一马克杯/一大杯啤酒case (especially NAmE) , crate (especially BrE) , six-pack 一箱啤酒;半打装啤酒VERB + BEERdrink 喝啤酒◆Do you drink beer?你喝啤酒吗?have 喝啤酒◆Will you have a beer?你要喝啤酒吗?get, grab (especially NAmE) 弄到/抓起啤酒down 喝下啤酒◆He downed his beer in one go.他把啤酒一饮而尽。chug (NAmE) , gulp, gulp at, guzzle, sip, sip at, swig 咕嘟咕嘟地喝啤酒;大口喝啤酒;啜饮啤酒;痛饮啤酒take a gulp of, take a sip of, take a swig of 喝一大口啤酒;抿一小口啤酒draw, pour (sb) 吸啤酒;给(某人)斟啤酒◆This beer should be drawn slowly.这啤酒应该慢慢地吸着喝。◆He poured us all a beer.他给我们每人倒了一杯啤酒。spill 洒啤酒buy (sb), order (给某人)买啤酒;点啤酒◆I saw him at the bar ordering a beer.我看见他在酒吧要一杯啤酒喝。sell, serve 卖啤酒;供应啤酒go for (BrE) , go out for 去喝啤酒◆I'm going (out) for a beer with Carl tonight.今晚我要和卡尔喝啤酒去。brew 酿啤酒chill 冰镇啤酒BEER + VERBchill 啤酒冷却◆I have some beers chilling in the cooler.我在冷藏箱里冰镇着一些啤酒。go flat 啤酒走气flow (figurative) 啤酒大量供应◆The beer flowed freely after the game.比赛后人们痛饮啤酒。spill 啤酒洒出◆He slammed his glass down and the beer spilled over the sides.他砰的一声放下玻璃杯,啤酒洒了出来。BEER + NOUNdrinker, lover 喝啤酒的人;爱喝啤酒的人maker 啤酒制造商barrel, bottle, can, crate (especially BrE) , glass, keg, mug, stein (NAmE) , tankard 大啤酒桶;啤酒瓶;啤酒罐;啤酒箱;玻璃啤酒杯;小啤酒桶;啤酒杯;陶质啤酒杯;大金属啤酒杯coaster (NAmE) , mat (BrE) 啤酒杯垫cooler (especially NAmE) 啤酒冷却桶festival 啤酒节consumption, production, sales 啤酒消费/生产/销售ad (informal) , advertisement, commercial 啤酒广告cellar (BrE) , garden 啤酒窖;(设在花园或院子里的)露天啤酒店◆Children are welcome in the beer garden.露天啤酒店欢迎孩子们。belly, gut (both informal) 啤酒肚◆He's only twenty but he already has a beer belly.他才 20 岁,但已经有啤酒肚了。money 少量的钱◆Singing in bars keeps him in beer money (= earns him a little money).在酒吧唱歌让他能挣点儿小钱。 |