

词组 divide
释义 divide


ADJECTIVE | VERB + DIVIDE | DIVIDE + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, deep, great, sharp 大的差异;深刻的分歧;巨大的差距;鲜明的差异growing 日益增大的差距north-south, etc. 南北等差距class, cultural, economic, ethnic, gender, generational, ideological, political, racial, religious, sectarian, social 阶级/文化/经济/民族/性别/代际/意识形态/政治/种族/宗教/宗派/社会差异partisan (especially NAmE) , party 党派分歧digital 数字鸿沟the digital divide between people with access to technology and those without有途径获得技术的人与接触不到技术的人之间的数字鸿沟VERB + DIVIDEcreate 制造分歧widen 扩大差距policies which have widened the divide between rich and poor导致贫富差距扩大的政策close, narrow 缩小差距bridge, cross, straddle 弥合/跨越/超越差异advice on bridging cultural divides弥合文化差异的建议It's a friendship which crosses the divide of social class.这是一种跨越社会阶层差异的友谊。a style which straddles the divide between classic and modern跨越古典与现代界限的一种风格address 处理分歧attempts to address the racial divide in this country处理这个国家中种族差异的尝试DIVIDE + VERBwiden 差异扩大narrow 差异缩小open, open up 差异产生separate sth 差异分开某物a divide separating those who have access to computers and those who don't有电脑使用的人和无电脑使用的人之间的一条分界线PREPOSITIONdivide between 在⋯之间的分界线the sharp divide between rich and poor regions贫富地区之间清晰的分界divide in 在⋯上的分歧The leader's speech aimed to close the embarrassing divide in party ranks.领导人的讲话旨在缩小党内各派令人尴尬的分歧。




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