

词组 politics
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ADJECTIVE | VERB + POLITICS | POLITICS + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdomestic, internal 国内/内部政治the country's internal politics国家的内政the internal politics of the legal profession法律界内部的钩心斗角county, local, national, regional 县政治;地方政治;国家政治;区域政治She was active in local politics for many years.她多年活跃于地方政坛。global, international, world 全球/国际/世界政治democratic, electoral, multiparty, parliamentary, party 民主/选举/多党/议会/政党政治presidential 总统政治contemporary, modern 当代/现代政治mainstream 主流政治conservative, extreme, left-wing, liberal, progressive, radical, right-wing, etc. 保守、极端、左翼、自由、革新、激进、右翼等政治His manners were as mild as his politics were extreme.他举止温和,但政治上极端。personal 个人政治My personal politics are pretty simple.我个人的政治主张很简单。practical 可具体实施的事He argued that it was not practical politics to abolish private schools.他争辩说取消私立学校根本就不可行。power 强权政治They took the view that Casper was playing power politics with their jobs at stake.他们认为卡斯珀在玩强权政治,用他们的职位作赌注。consensus 共识政治Consensus politics places a high value on existing political institutions.共识政治强调现存政治机构的重要性。partisan (disapproving, especially NAmE) 党派政治The Democrats are simply engaging in partisan politics.民主党只是搞党派政治。dirty 卑劣的权术He used dirty politics to trash his opponent's record.他用卑劣的政治手段诋毁他对手的履历。conviction (especially BrE) 信念政治identity 身份政治multiculturalism and the rise of identity politics多元文化和身份政治的兴起nationalist, sectarian 民族主义/宗派主义政治cultural, environmental, feminist, gay, gender, racial, sexual, working-class 文化/环境/女权主义/同性恋/性别/种族/两性/工薪阶层政治office 办公室政治I don't want to get involved in office politics.我不想卷入办公室政治。VERB + POLITICSenter, go into 从政They went into politics in the hope of changing society.他们怀着改变社会的希望从政。abandon, retire from 弃政;退出政界He abandoned politics and went into business.他弃政从商了。be interested in, follow 对政治感兴趣;关注政治I have always followed politics closely.我一直都密切关注政局。understand 懂政治I don't understand the politics of it all.我不明白其中的政治手腕。be active in, be engaged in, be immersed in, be involved in, engage in, participate in 活跃于政界;潜心于政治;从政become active in, get immersed in, get involved in 变得活跃于政界;沉浸在政坛;参与政治dabble in, play (informal) 涉足政界;玩弄权术get embroiled in 置身于政治斗争中discuss, talk (informal) , talk about 商讨政治;谈论政治Let's not talk politics now.现在我们不要谈论政治吧。dabble in, interfere in, intervene in, meddle in (especially BrE) 涉足/干涉/干预/插手政治As a churchman, he was accused of interfering in politics.他被指控身为神职人员干预政治。dominate 主宰政治the issues which have dominated Irish politics左右爱尔兰政局的问题influence, reshape, shape 影响/重塑/塑造政治reforms that are intended to reshape Italian politics意在重塑意大利政治的改革POLITICS + VERBdominate sth, drive sth, motivate sth 政治主宰⋯/驱使⋯/激励⋯In their world politics dominates everything.在他们的世界里,政治主宰一切。The legislation has been driven by populist politics.立法已由民粹主义政治所驱使。affect sth 政治影响⋯surround sth 政治围绕⋯the politics surrounding reproduction and fertility围绕繁殖和生育的政治play a role 政治发挥作用the role politics played in daily life政治在日常生活中发挥的作用PHRASESsb's involvement in politics, sb's participation in politics 某人的政治参与the world of politics 政界




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